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dhtmlxtree_start.js and events I can't make working tree with <xmp/> section to use events. I made event attach but it's never called; <script> function tonopen(id,mode){ alert("QQ"); return true; }; function onLoad() { tree = new dhtmlXTreeObject(document.getElementById('treeframe'),"100%","100%",0); tree.setOnOpenHandler(tonopen); } </script> <body onLoad="onLoad();"> <div id="treeframe" setImagePath="/script/codebase/imgs/" class="dhtmlxTree" style="width:200px"> <xmp container="true"> <item text="test" open="1" id="1"> <item text="trans" select="1" open="1" id="11"/> <item text="foo" open="1" id="12"/> <item text="end" id="13"/> </item> </xmp> </div> Answer posted on Dec 04, 2007 02:35 You are mixing two different initialization - by script, and by HTML markup Correct code will look similar to next init by JS <script> function tonopen(id,mode){ alert("QQ"); return true; }; function onLoad() { tree = dhtmlXTreeFromHTML('treeframe'); tree.setOnOpenHandler(tonopen); } </script> <body onLoad="onLoad();"> <div id="treeframe" setImagePath="/script/codebase/imgs/" style="width:200px"> <<class not set , to prevent auto init <xmp container="true"> <item text="test" open="1" id="1"> <item text="trans" select="1" open="1" id="11"/> <item text="foo" open="1" id="12"/> <item text="end" id="13"/> </item> </xmp> </div> Init from HTML <script> function tonopen(id,mode){ alert("QQ"); return true; }; </script> <body onLoad="onLoad();"> <div setOnOpenHandler="tonopen" id="treeframe" setImagePath="/script/codebase/imgs/" class="dhtmlxTree" style="width:200px"> <xmp container="true"> <item text="test" open="1" id="1"> <item text="trans" select="1" open="1" id="11"/> <item text="foo" open="1" id="12"/> <item text="end" id="13"/> </item> </xmp> </div> |