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Question  posted by dan on Apr 23, 2008 09:46
open dhtmlx forum
dhtmlxTree - can be first loaded or created server-side?

Among the features listed for the dhtmlxTree control I see that it is stated that there is a "ASP.NET custom server control".
Is it possible to make this control be loaded once server-side and then laso be possible to code against it client-side?

I've already tried the demo code client-side and work just fine, I'm just trying to find out whether it is possible to have the tree control loaded once from the server in order to save the time of building it (initially) on client.

Answer posted by Support on Apr 24, 2008 04:19
>>Is it possible to make this control be loaded once server-side and then laso be possible to code against it client-side?
Existing solution for .Net uses approach similar to default one - it generates necessary javascript code for tree initialization and put tree data as XML on the page, so on page load tree uses loadXMLString command to load and render initial state - basically it will not provide any performance benefits.

>>to save the time of building it (initially) on client.
In case of smartXMLParsing mode , the size of tree doesn't affect performance seriously.