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Question  posted by Sylvain on Sep 02, 2008 08:23
open dhtmlx forum
tree.setXMLAutoLoading -- In which filename does it expect the results .

I am trying to feed automatically my treeview with the command tree.setXMLAutoLoading.
I am wondering if this command expect the results to be in a specific filename before dynamically loading my second level of my treeview.

ex: tree.loadXML("tree.xml");        

This commands should load my treeview with the content of tree.xml file and once the user demands a second level in my treeview
it should react on the setXMLAutoloading which calls an .aspx . In my ASPX where should I save the second level data . Is it still in the same tree.xml ......Please I need help on this .. Thank you
Answer posted by Support on Sep 02, 2008 08:34
You need just output the XML data

<% Response.ContentType="text/xml" %>
Response.Write "<tree id='parentID'><item...  

There is no need to save it to some temporary file - just output it as normal HTML page. ( but with XML content type )