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Question  posted by aalekhya on Mar 11, 2009 05:06
open dhtmlx forum
Issue with tree

Iam using dhtmltree in my code.I want the functionality of expanding all the nodes once after clicked a button.
After clicking the button i called a function which is internally called the tree function
After expanding, the page become very slow and almost in the state of unresopnsive mode.
I used smartXml parsing also.
what shall i do for making the page responsive
please provide me solution

Answer posted by Alex (support) on Mar 11, 2009 05:43
Using SmartXMLParsing allows to decrease rendering time. As in this case tree is parsed by portions.
But when all items open, the whole tree must be parsed - in this case, smart parsing can't help.
And unfortunately there is no opportunity to make opening all items faster.
If you tree is not big, please provide the complete sample to - possibly we will be able to help you.