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Question  posted by aalekhya on Mar 04, 2009 05:24
open dhtmlx forum
Issue with tree

Iam using dhtmTree in my code.
I used Find functionality in tree.
I know tree support only text search.But i want special characters search.
For that i changed code in dhtmltree.js as below
searchStr = new RegExp(searchStr.replace(/([\*\^\$\&\?\<\;\:\>\|\+\\\[\]\(\)]{1})/gi,"\\$1").replace(/ /gi,".*"),"gi");

but it is not working for some special characters.For that i wrote code in my userdefined javascript file as

But still it is not working for (;," ') for these charactes.
Please provide me solution for that.Can u please send me the code how to add all the special characters for search critieria.

I want to search all the characters like

Please provide me soltuion.
Because iam unable to solve the issue.
Its very urgent to me.
Please provide me solution
Answer posted by Alex (support) on Mar 04, 2009 07:48


You can try to use the following code modificaton:

  var searchStr=searchStr.replace(new RegExp("^( )+"),"").replace(new RegExp("( )+$"),"");
  searchStr = searchStr.replace(/([\*\^\$\?\;\:\|\+\\\[\]\(\)\!\.]{1})/gi,"\\$1").replace(/ /gi,".*");
  searchStr = searchStr.replace(/&/gi,"(&amp;|&)").replace(/</gi,"(&lt;|<)").replace(/>/gi,"(&gt;|>)");
  searchStr = new RegExp(searchStr,"gi");


The sample is sent by email. 

Answer posted by aalekhya on Mar 04, 2009 08:31


I used the function what u gave to me.

But still the special characters ;' "  are not working

And ~ CHARACTER is not shown if it is in subnode befoe expanding node.

After expanding it is working.

Why this is happened?

Is there any browser issue or can i change any code in Common.js?

Please help me




Answer posted by Alex (support) on Mar 04, 2009 08:54


Is the issue reproduced at the sample we have sent you today ?

Locally all item are found correctly .

Answer posted by aalekhya on Mar 05, 2009 05:40


The sample code is working fine.My code is also working fine.

A small problem in the sample.

If i search a character it searched from top to bottom.After it reached to bottom if i click find button it goes to top of the tree.

but for my code i have to give an alert message after reached to bottom of the tree,it should display "NO Additonal Occurences".

So i want to stop the searching once it comes to bottom.

If i enter another text in the text box after the alert message then searching should start from top of the tree.

Can u provide me code for that functionality.



Answer posted by Alex (support) on Mar 05, 2009 07:06


findItem methods returns an id if an item is found and null - in the other case.

So, you check if the item is already found. If it is, the previous item can be selected and message shown.