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Question  posted by Alexey Kulikov on Aug 07, 2009 16:18
open dhtmlx forum
TreeGrid + DataProcessor cause Errors when adding new nodes

Thanks for the great component, however I have some problems after introducing the DataProcessor (without, the behavior is ok).

I have a tree in the first column and about 10 columns afterwards. The tree is fixed in split mode.

First Problem: When I add subnodes to any tree node, the original parent node remains collapsed (a plus icon appears), I found no way to automatically expand it.

Second Problem: After introducing the DataProcessor, when adding new nodes to leafs of the tree, the actial tree node is inserted into the second column, thus the whole structure appears to be shifted one column. How can this be avoided?

Answer posted on Aug 10, 2009 01:53
>>When I add subnodes to any tree node, the original parent node remains collapsed (a plus icon appears), I found no way to automatically expand it.
After adding new child node you can expand parent node with method openItem(rowId) whre rowId - id of the parent row:
>>Second Problem:
Could you please provide sample of code where we can reproduce this issue (you can send such example directly to the