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Question  posted by Velmurugant on Aug 05, 2009 22:15
open dhtmlx forum
Design issue while displaying tree in internet explorer

I am using dhtmlxtree in my application. It is displaying tree structure fine when i use firefox. But there is some design issue when i display in internet explorer 6. The tree strucure is not proper. There is big gape in between the folder image(node) and the node name. Other than this everything is working fine. How to resolve this? Please help me out?

Answer posted by Alex (support) on Aug 06, 2009 01:40


which tree version do use ? Is it the latest one ? 

If the issue occurs with the latest tree version, please provide the sample where we can re-create it

Answer posted by velmurugant on Aug 07, 2009 04:12
Herewith i have attached the screenshot how the tree is displaying in internet explorer?
i have uswed  //v.2.1 build 90226.
how to resolve this?

Attachments (1)
Answer posted by Alex (support) on Aug 07, 2009 05:29


thank you for the screenshot. 

but we need the sample to re-create the issue. 

Can the issue be reproduced in the stantandard tree samples ?