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Question  posted on Mar 07, 2007 11:02
open dhtmlx forum
Can the tree handle ~85000+ nodes?  a.         I am usi...

Can the tree handle ~85000+ nodes? 

a.         I am using dynamic loading – which looks good – but I am getting an Internet Explorer pop-up that asks if I want to disable a script that is running slowly – if I try to load a node that has many sub-nodes.

b.         I am concerned if the user were to open all nodes.

c.         Can I dynamically unload nodes that are hidden under closed folders?

d.         Can I enforce that only a single folder at one time be open for a given tree level? Will this (along with smartXMLParsing help?)

I am unable to test smartXMLParsing
Answer posted on Mar 07, 2007 11:03

Yes, it is supported in  SmartXMLParsing  mode:

            tree. enableSmartXMLParsing (...

But tree must be well structured (less than ~200 item per level of branch) (See in documentation samples/pro_perfomance.html)

a ) The message can't be removed, but you can enable distributedParsing, which will allow to parse XML part by part ( in such case message must no occur )


b) The performance of tree related on number of rendered nodes, in case of 85000 items it definitely kills all performance.

c) Not possible

d) It can be created by attaching custom code to onOpen event.

e) This functionality available only in pro edition, if you plan to use it - you can request fully functional evaluation version.
Answer posted by Darya (Support) on Dec 09, 2014 07:16

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