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Question  posted by Scott on Aug 05, 2007 06:47
open dhtmlx forum
setColumnsHidden is slow with many columns


I've found that if I need to hide many columns in my grid, using setColHidden or setColumnHidden are very slow. It appears that each call had to do many things and then resize the grid. It would be great if you could had a call that does all the extra stuff and set sizes at the end of hiding many columns.  It seems like setColHidden(list) should be implemented this way.

In my case, I have about 30 - 40 columns, and I often have to hide 15 - 20 at one time. It takes about 5 - 8 seconds.


Answer posted by Andrei (Support) on Dec 09, 2014 05:30

To find more precise comments upon this issue, we can offer you read about request.querystring.count and clist manual.