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Question  posted on Mar 05, 2007 10:17
open dhtmlx forum
I was wondering there was a way for the server to return an error code and error message to the javascript g...

I was wondering there was a way for the server to return an error code and error message to the javascript grid via XML.  The grid api does not currently have any error action defined (server has to return insert, delete , update). It is difficult to integrate the grid with a web based appplication.  The application (server side) may fail for a valid reason. It would be nice to be able to cancel the current grid action adn display an error message in the messager div to inform the user. Displaying an error page or an XML error at this point is less than elegant, please advise.
Answer posted on Mar 05, 2007 10:17

The latest version of dataProcessor lib supports user defined actions. So you can extend existing action or define your own (an "error" action for example).

 You can use the next syntax to create your own client side action handlers:

    myDataProcessor.defineAction("update", function(xml){


                        return true;


The name of action is equal to "action" attribute in XML response, so you can define any type of action, or extend existing
Answer posted by Stanislav (Support) on Dec 09, 2014 18:56

Not much can be said in addition to the reply above, but you also can check upload file progress bar php and editable combo box html and find out what we have probably missed in our explanation.