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Question  posted by gr on Jun 26, 2007 03:08
open dhtmlx forum
OnCellChanged event handler

Im using a OnCellChanged event handler. Inside of this handler I need to validate the new data comparing it with other cells. If the new value is incorrect I need to delete  the newValue (mygrid.cell(rowId,cellIndex).setValue("")), but this action generates an infite iteration (the handler is called infinite times). Is there any function that I can use to solve this problem? OnEditCellHandler is not usefull cause the cell is filled outside the grid without the cell editor.
Answer posted on Jun 26, 2007 13:04
The OnCellChanged is only event which react on direct cell data changing

You have three ways to solve problem

a) Complex and solid - create a custom excell
    You can create a custom excell ( modify an existing one ) where necessary logic will be implemented exactly in setValue method

b) Mediocre - use some kind of flag

          if (!window.skipNextTime){
                ... //any code here which can initiate onCellChanged event, because of flag, it will be skiped on next processing

c) Fast and dirty - direct assign
    You can assign HTML value directly to DOM, this will not include possible text procession, but may work for simple editors

Answer posted by Andrei (Support) on Dec 11, 2014 01:27

To find more precise comments upon this issue, we can offer you read about javascript component framework and attachevent onchange.