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Question  posted on Mar 05, 2007 09:51
open dhtmlx forum
I'm migrating to configuring the dhtmlXGrid's columns via XML, and it seems like there are a number of ...

I'm migrating to configuring the dhtmlXGrid's columns via XML, and it seems like there are a number of aspects that can only be configured via javascript calls. For example - and most important to me at the moment - I want to set the initial column width(s) in percentages, not in absolute pixels; I can do this via the setInitWidthsP() js call, but apparently the <column width> xml attribute does not support percentages.

Please let me know whether there's a way to do this via XML.

Answer posted on Mar 05, 2007 09:51

Yes, for now (v1.0) XML doesn't support all functionality which can be set from client side, only basic one.

To set width in percents please use the next approach:



        <column width="30" type="dyn" align="right" color="white"


        <column width="70" type="ed" align="left" color="#d5f1ff"

sort="str">Book Title</column>






This will create a grid with two columns; width of columns is 30% and 70%.


Answer posted by Andrei (Support) on Dec 10, 2014 18:49

Not much can be said in addition to the reply above, but you also can check custom add topic and datagrid search and find out what we have probably missed in our explanation.