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Question  posted by j.lagos on Sep 24, 2009 05:29
open dhtmlx forum
Layout attachToolbar

I run the dhtmlx pro 2.1 and I have a peculiar problem when I attach a tabbar to a Layout.

My code is:

dhxWins = new dhtmlXWindows();
        layoutWin = dhxWins.createWindow("w1", 0, 0, screenW-100, screenH-150);
         dhxLayout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject(layoutWin, "4H");
dhxLayout.cells("a").setText("Message CSV template");
         dhxLayout.cells("d").setText("Message DB template");
webBar = dhxLayout.attachToolbar();
        if (webBar==null)
         alert("webBar is null!");

I load all the includes need it, windows/Layout/Toollbar.
The layout is drawn fine, but the webBar is always null.

I don't understand what is wrong, please help.

Thanks in advance
Answer posted by Alex (support) on Sep 25, 2009 09:38

Please, check that dhtmlxWindows/codebase/ext/dhtmlxwindows_wtb.js is also included:

The sample is dhtmlxLayout/samples/global/toolbar.html

Answer posted by j.lagos on Sep 28, 2009 01:05
OK, thanks!