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Question  posted by mini on Sep 16, 2009 02:51
open dhtmlx forum
scheduler event spanning daybreak on sunday

in monthview . have an event that starts 16:45 and ends 00:15
I've modifird the template to show start an end time.
On sunday it shows 16:45 - 16:45 , the following monday it shows the rest of the bar with correct 16:45 - 00:15

Is this a bug ?

Displaying more events/eventspace than monthview day allows.
I got 2 rows showing by setting scheduler.xy.bar_height=30; And changing the css to set the bars to height:30px. And altered tempalte to be: starttime - endtime <br> event.text..

see link for what happends.
Answer posted by Alex (support) on Sep 18, 2009 05:32


please provide teh demo where we can recreate the issue (it can be also sent to