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Question  posted by Jennifer Tenney on May 14, 2009 16:14
open dhtmlx forum
Another dhtmlxCalendar and dhtmlxWindow

I have the same issue in that I have 3 mini calendars on a page. I also have a dropdown list that pops up a dhtmlxWindow. The problem is that the window appears below the calendar. I tried adjusting the z-index in the style sheet of the dhtmlxcalendar to no avail. The window is still underneath the calendars. My code for the window is as follows:

function openWin(navform)
selecteditem = navform.url.selectedIndex;
formurl = navform.url.options[ selecteditem ].value;

if(formurl == ''){
var dhxWins = new dhtmlXWindows(this.form);
var win = dhxWins.createWindow("window", 100, 100, 800, 500);;
win.setText("Calendar Updates");

I call it using the following:
<select name="url" onchange="openWin(this.form)">
where each option is set to a url.

Pulling hair out here. Thanks for help in advance.

Answer posted by Alex (support) on May 15, 2009 01:15


z-index of the dhtmlxCalendar is bigger that dhtmlxWindow z-index. 

You can decrease calendar z-indexas follows:

<link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="dhtmlxCalendar/codebase/dhtmlxcalendar.css">
.dhtmlxcalendar { 

If you set skin to the calendar, the class name, that can be redefined, will be .dhtmlxcalendar_[skin_name]. For example:
