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Question  posted by Nick on Jan 24, 2009 18:40
open dhtmlx forum
comboboc type is not select??

I'm trying to find all my document elements and populate them. I'm using the below to grab all elements and determine their type ie INPUT,SELECT. Why do my comboxes not show as SELECT and how can I tell that I'm dealing with a combobox? By the wy I just downloaded your combobocx tonight and find it amazing. Will buy the pro edition and am looking at other components. Thanks

for(i=0; i<document.forms['theForm'].elements.length; i++) {

field_type = document.forms['theForm'].elements[i].type.toLowerCase();
field_name = document.forms['theForm'].elements[i].name;

Answer posted by Support on Jan 26, 2009 02:20
>>Why do my comboxes not show as SELECT and how can I tell that I'm dealing with a combobox? 
Combo replaces native select box with custom UI , which contains from INPUT for text entering , hidden input for saving value related to text. The list of options is not an select element but custom HTML control, which not accessible through form
After converting select to combo - you need to use combo API instead of native methods of form's select