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Question  posted by Alan on Jan 19, 2009 08:40
open dhtmlx forum
Combo Box inside Grid


I have a column of type combo inside a grid. I need to update the database with the value that is selected in the combo box for each row. This seems to work properly but my problem here is that the user can enter the option manually which is not in the combo box listing. If the user enters some random option 'AAAA' that option need to be received on the server side.


function onCellChange(stage,id,index,value){
    return true;

I can get the value printed in the alert when the option is present in the combo option listing. I cant get the value when the user types in data manually. Can you help with me getting the value typed by the user either on client side or server side. I read something about 'mask' value for the combo but when i do request.getParameter("mask"); on server side it returns null. I also read about the focus change but it doesn't help in anyway. Can you guys help me get the value typed by the user for the combo. Thanking you.

with regards,
Answer posted by Support on Jan 20, 2009 08:11

Dear Alan

We have sent you the latest combo excell version by email (this extenstion is available only in pro edition).

Please, try to use this file instead of the original.