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Question  posted by David Hutchings on Oct 15, 2008 13:24
open dhtmlx forum
ComboBox bug - CSS parameter

I am attempting to set up a combo-box to use styels on certain options. I noticed that there is an option to pass in CSS when populating the combo from script and that if you add a "css" parameter to an XML node it would act the same way. Yet despite having the parameter in place, I wasn't able to get the CSS to show up.

I traced the problem down to the following line:

dhtmlXCombo_defaultOption.prototype.render ='width:100%;overflow:hidden;"+this.css+"';...

This code results in a cssText value with the value which includes "this.css" instead of including the value of this.css.
When I changed the line to read the following everything worked as expected:'width:100%;overflow:hidden;'+this.css;

Wanted to make sure you were aware of the issue.

- Dave
Answer posted by Support on Oct 16, 2008 02:22
Issue was reported and fixed some time ago, latest online version already contains fix. ( it is the same update as you have describe ) 
Answer posted by David Hutchings on Oct 16, 2008 08:41