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Question  posted by Nerea on Jan 09, 2009 01:19
open dhtmlx forum
Set focus to an input

How can I set focusa to a input in a toolbar?

I have a toolbar with an input a grid.
When I open a window clicking on a row and close it later iI can't click into the input. It seems as the toolbar has losed the focus.
Answer posted by Support on Jan 09, 2009 01:26
It seems your toolbar covered by windows' viewport.
Could you please provide us a source code?
Answer posted by Nerea on Jan 09, 2009 01:56

Here is my code.

The toolbar is loaded from an xml file.

<body bgcolor="#dfefff">


 dhxWins = new dhtmlXWindows(); 
 //Patch for taborder in grid
 dhtmlXGridObject.prototype._init_point = function(){
 this._nextRow=function(ind, dir){
  var r = this.render_row(ind+dir);
  if (!r || r==-1) return null;
  if (r&& == "none")
   return this._nextRow(ind+dir, dir);

  return r;
 if (this._init_point) this._init_point();
 function crearVentana(tipo, rowId){
  if (mygrid.getSelectedRowId() != null || (tipo == '0')){   
   if(!dhxWins.window("w1")){ //   
    dhxWins.setViewport(70, 15, 512, 445); = "#909090 0px solid"; 
    dhxWins.attachEvent("onContentLoaded", function(win) {  //focus en el primer text_box enabled
     if (_isIE && win.getId() == "w1") {          
    w1 = dhxWins.createWindow("w1",0, 0, 512, 445); 
    // hiding button max, min y contraer
       //No permite
       w1.denyResize(); // deny resizing
       w1.denyMove();   // deny moving    
 function recargar(){


<div id="toolbarMenu" style="width:689px;overflow:hidden;"></div>
 var webBar = new dhtmlXToolbarObject("toolbarMenu");
 webBar.loadXML("../xml/webBar.xml?etc="+new Date().getTime(),function(){
  // disable botones

 webBar.attachEvent("onClick", function(id){  
  case "new":      
   crearVentana('0', "");   
  case "open":   
   crearVentana('1', mygrid.getSelectedRowId());   
  case "copy":   
   crearVentana('2', mygrid.getSelectedRowId());
  case "delete":
   crearVentana('3', mygrid.getSelectedRowId());
  case "print":   
  case "pdf":'pdfforpag.php');
  case "find":
   //cargar fichero con filtro
   mygrid.clearAndLoad("gridForPag.php?etc=" + new Date().getTime() + "&filtro=" + webBar.getValue('filter_text'));
  function enableBar(){
  function disableBar(){


<div id="gridbox" style="height:443px;width:689px;background-color:white;overflow:hidden;"></div>

 var last_Id =''; //Id seleccionado
 var mygrid = new dhtmlXGridObject("gridbox");
 //enable tooltips for last column
     //moverse entre las filas con el teclado
 //seleccionar fila
 //solo se pude seleccionar uno 
     //Carga cada 50 registros   
     //cargar fichero 

 function doOnRowSelect(rowId){

 function doOnRowDblClicked(rowId){
   crearVentana('1',rowId);//Abrir cliente 

 function doOnEnter(rowId){    
   crearVentana('1',rowId);//Abrir cliente

 function textoNegrita(rowId){  //Ponemos en negrita el texto seleccionado y en normal el anterior  
  if (last_Id != ''){
  last_Id = rowId;
