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Question  posted by Wolfie on Aug 25, 2009 14:18
open dhtmlx forum
dhtmlxToolbar: How to test if an item exists

Since you can add/remove items as well as create a toolbar via xml, how to do test to see if a specific element exists?

The best I could come up with is using the iterator to loop through and see if something exists. This seems like a foolish method, is there a better one?

function WebBarHasItem(TheBar,TheItem){
    var tRet = false
            if (itemId == TheItem){
                tRet = true
    return tRet
Answer posted by Alex (support) on Aug 26, 2009 02:24

There is not public method to check if item exists. 

But you can check that as follows:

if(toolbar.objPull[toolbar.idPrefix+itemId]) alert("exists")

Where toolbar is toolbar object. itemId is id of the item you want to check

Answer posted on Aug 26, 2009 07:26
Is there any reason there isn't a WebBar.ItemExists("ItemID") function?  It seems like a pretty basic feature no?  

Given your short answer, I think I can modify the source and add the function.  Thank you for your rapid response.
Answer posted by Alex (support) on Aug 27, 2009 02:42


possibly we'll add this method in some of the next versions. But what is the reason for using this method ? 

Answer posted on Aug 27, 2009 07:48
Well, if you don't know an item exists and you try to reference it then you get errors without wrapping everything in lots of try/catchs.  Generally I prefer to test for the existence of an item rather than trying to access it and handing an error.

I am using the toolbar and loading its collection from XML generated by ASP scripts based on SQL database info.  I am using the bar as part of a quick order form for a web site.  The display will be an array of toolbars being added by using your dhtmlxCombo to ajax the server on product SKUs and add a new toolbar row for the product selected.  The bar is being used to display product details and provide the ability to enter a quantity/options.  Some items require a select list because they can be ordered only in multiples, ie 6,12,24, etc.  Other items can be ordered one at a time and thus the bar will have a text box.  Since the text box and select lists need to be handled differently, I need a method to find out whether an item called "qty_sel" (the select list) or "qty_text" exists in the bar.  Since the bar is populated by XML from server side, the client JS needs a way to see if specific items were generated.

I had expected that if a component/object has a collection, a way to see if an item exists in that collection seemed a completely natural need.  Your objects are so well done that I was so totally surprised that no function existed to test for the existence of an item on the bar.

My pseudo logic in looping through the toolbar array that \ I was planning would have looked something like:

if ( webbar[theIndex].itemExists(textbox) ){
    get value of text box item
    get value of price item
    product total=qty*price
    stuff result in a div for display
    add to subtotal var
} else {
    get text of selected option in select list   (will be "6 @ $2.99")
    split it on the @
    product total=split qty * split price
    stuff result in a div for display
    add to subtotal var

I hope that makes sense.
Answer posted by Alex (support) on Aug 27, 2009 08:59

You're right. Some public functionality for item testing will be useful. 

We'll add getItem(id) into toolbar 2.5. It will return item object if the item exists (toolbar.objPull[toolbar.idPrefix+itemId]).