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Question  posted by Paul on Mar 18, 2009 12:18
open dhtmlx forum
How to use PARAMS in Ajax post?

The dhtmlxAJAX documentation reads:
Sending POST AJAX Request
The only difference in making POST request with dhtmlxAjax is additional argument next to URL - POST parameters:,params,callbackFunction);
    var loader = dhtmlxAjax.postSync(url,params);

where params is a string of name=value pairs united with &, like "param1=somevalue¶m2=someothervalue

Suppose the url I post to is "mypage.asp"

Within mypage.asp, how do I access/iterate the contents of params?

Answer posted by Alex (support) on Mar 19, 2009 04:10


This question isn't related to our components - it is asp question.

Possibly something similar to the following can be used:

p1 = Request.QueryString("param1");  

Answer posted by Paul on Mar 19, 2009 07:03
>>it is asp question.

I had a sneaking suspicion that would be the case. I had expected to find them in the querystring but that does not appear to be the case and since the post to the page is via ajax I can't have my ASP page write anything out to help me see the values. Ok I'll look around elsewhere for the answer.
Answer posted by Dennis on Apr 03, 2009 19:23
Paul, did you find an answer to this?  I actually have a similar issue - I cannot pull out the query string items in ASP.  There are none.  The mask and pos items are not there with the combo box for some reason.  I found this out by just trying to drop those items in to the XML output and it should show up in your combo box.  Example:

Call GetData(request.querystring)

function getDateXML2(TheData)

   Response.Write "<complete add=""true"">"
   Response.Write "   <option value=""1"">one_" & TheData & "</option>"
   Response.Write "</complete>"
end function

Let me know if you figured it out.  Thanks!


Answer posted by Tony on Apr 16, 2009 05:32
Use p1 = request.form("param") within your asp page to obtain the param value when using dhtmlAjax POST