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Question  posted on Mar 07, 2007 11:20
open dhtmlx forum
How many nodes does the dhtmlxTree can support without any performance issue?...

How many nodes does the dhtmlxTree can support without any performance issue?
Answer posted on Mar 07, 2007 11:20
In smartParsing mode the total count of items doesn't matter, the sample included in pro package loads XML with 50000 items. The main performance measure is a count of items per branch - more than 200 items per branch will cause a visible delay in loading (per branch - means per one level of branch). Tree supports DistributedParsing - which allows to break such limit and load not well formed hierarchies, but 1000 item per level of branch is probably limit. (The total count of item in tree doesn't really matter, it just increases XML size, but not causes performance problem).
Answer posted by Stanislav (Support) on Dec 01, 2014 23:56

Having solved the problem mentioned above, you may also look through the possible related problems with tree view ajax and dhtml select.