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Question  posted on Feb 13, 2007 14:12
open dhtmlx forum
In the process of using the dhtml tree in my application, it seems as if my error handling has been taken ov...

In the process of using the dhtml tree in my application, it seems as if my error handling has been taken over by some error handling routines from the dhtmlx libraries.  Is there a way to change this?  I would like the standard browser error handling to be exposed to my end users, rather than the custom error handling.
Answer posted on Feb 13, 2007 14:16

There are two type of error handling in dhtmlxTree:

The first is a dhtmlxtree_er.js extension, it catches ALL errors, and was designed specially for debugging and mustn't be included in real apps.

Second is inner error handling routine of dhtmlxTree - it handles only "loading/parsing XML in tree" errors. It doesn't override any global error handling routines. There is no way to disable it by API (it has no sense because it handles only errors inside of dhtmlxTree), but you can override error handling reaction by assigning own function


Answer posted by radyno (Support) on Dec 02, 2014 03:28

Not much can be said in addition to the reply above, but you also can check datagrid cell and google calendar control and find out what we have probably missed in our explanation.